Support Us

Supporting the initiative is crucial to helping us continue connecting people with tailored hair and beauty services across Canada. One of the easiest ways to help is by sharing our websites on social media platforms or directly with friends and family who may benefit from or appreciate what we offer. By raising awareness, more people will discover professionals who specialize in the unique hair and beauty needs of Black Canadians, ultimately expanding the reach and impact of the services.

Another way to support our mission is by shopping at our partner hair and beauty supplies store, HfxExtensions ( Your purchases contribute to the sustainability of our platforms, helping us continue to improve and expand the service directories. Every order placed through our partner store helps us maintain these sites and ensures we can keep connecting people to the professionals they need.

Lastly, using our websites and providing feedback is invaluable to us. You can contact us on our Instagram page or via email at for any assistance or feedback you wish to provide. We're all ears on features you think will make the experience on the platforms better.

As a small team with limited resources, every bit of assistance counts. Your input helps us refine the user experience, allowing us to make improvements that better serve the community. Whether sharing, shopping, or offering suggestions, any support is greatly appreciated.